Family Physician Association Calcutta

about us

We are engaged in Philanthrofic Activities e.g.

  • To honour with certificate or medal or cash award to the persons who have done outstanding work in the field of general medical practice.
  • To create a benevolent fund for the benefit of the needy medical practitioners.
  • To abolish quackery in all its form medical practice for the security of the life of the publicat large.
  • To upkeep and maintain the honour of the medical practitioners at Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Clinics, Dispensaries, consultant chambers and to make themselves physically, mentally, socially and economically respectable, sound, superior and worthy for the greater service to the peopleat large.
  •  To arrange from time to time congresses, iectures, discussion, demonstration exhibitions, sysposiums or any aspect of modern medicine and its allied branches.
  • To provide assistance, help or aid to any educational, medical or charitable institutions regarding hygiene, better health, vaccinations, health check up, family planning, diagnostic camp, eye camp, blood donation camp or programme regarding awareness of early detection of Cancer, AID/HIV or tuberculosis in the society.
  • To receive donations from generous Trusts, Institutions and collection of the subscription from the members to create benevolent fund and to run association and its activities.
  • To promote brotherhood and social life amongst the members and their families and to alleviate difficulties and problems of the members in matters connected with the medicolegal, medical education, registration medical services and medical Treatment.
  • All the members become members of F.F.P.A.I. of India and can participate in cultural and social events, can join Social Security Scheme, group insurance, can present scientific papers in the conference can attend conferences, participate research project and can join refresher courses. Can get free medico legal advice, and guidance for new set up of clinic. Will get monthly bulletin and can join group health insurance. Thus Association promote co-operation amongst the general practitioners and make themselves and their spouses physically mentally and economically sound, superior and respectable.
  • To print, publish, exhibit, subscribe and subsidise the periodicals, books, pamphlets or posters that may be considered desirable of the promotion of the objectives of the Society.
  • To do all acts, matters and things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objectives or any one or more of them.

To carry out of the objects of the Society and manage its affairs funds, and assets, the Society shall have the following powers.

  • To build and maintain houses or other buildings and alter, improve or modify the same including any existing buildings and provide and equip the same with light, water, drainage, furniture, fittings, instruments, appliances and all other accessories and necessary goods and equipments for the use of such buildings for the purposes for which the Society is formed.
  • To accept as gift, to acquire, purchase, take on lease or hire or exchange all such moveable and immoveable properties which may be considered necessary for fulfilment of the purposes of the Society.
  • To borrow or raise money for the Society with or without security and/or such terms as the Society may think fit and to invest the unspent funds of the Society in Nationalised Banks and /or invest in Government Securities or in any other manner as approved by the prescribed authority from time to time.
  •  To accept subscriptions and donations (whether moveable or immovable) and deimses or bequests for all^ or any of the objects and purposes of the Society.
  • To help, subscribe, contribute or promote and take over or amalgamate wholly or in part, with any other society, trust, body or institution, whether incorporated or not, having objects similar to those of the Society.
  • To declare and give gratuties, pensions or allowances to persons who are or were in the employment of the Society or their families or dependants or other persons as may be selected by the Governing Body and to make rules and regulations for the same.
  • To do and cause to be done all such lawful things as are in accord with the spirit and principles of the objects of the society or which are conducive or incidental to the attainment and pursuit of the aims and objects of the society.

The Society is established for public benefit and accordingly the objects and powers of the society will be interpreted and restricted to mean such objects and powers as are regarded in law to be of publci charitable nature.

The income and property of the society will be applied solely for the promotion of the objects of the Society, as set forth above, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way dividends, bonus or otherwise howsoever.